Bartlett Small Business/Business Owners and Divorce
Your Bartlett Business Owner Divorce Lawyer
Divorce is never easy.
It is messy, and complicated, and produces feelings of anger, frustration, and abandonment.
If you or your spouse is planning to file for divorce, and you are the owner of a small business, started either before or during your marriage, then it is crucial that you contact a Business Owner Divorce Attorney for assistance immediately.
Call Davis & Associates at (312) 548-1528 for a Free Consultation!
Your Business Could Be A Marital Asset
When you enter into a marriage, your assets are combined and become the collective property of both individuals. When the marriage ends, those assets are equitably divided between the two parties as fairly as possible. If you have not signed a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement protecting the business from divorce proceedings, then your business may be considered a marital asset and as such, subject to division with all other assets.
How You Can Protect Your Business During Divorce
The best way to protect your business is through a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. However, if you are preparing for divorce, it is most likely already too late to have this type of agreement in place.
That doesnโt mean that you donโt have options to protect and keep your business. A qualified and experienced Divorce Attorney, like the legal professionals of Davis & Associates, can fully explain the options available to you, and assist you with getting the outcome that you desire.
The Power Of Negotiation
At Davis & Associates, we begin by taking a look at the broad picture, taking into account all of your combined marital assets. We will then determine what assets you would willingly give to the other party, which assets you desire to keep, and which assets we can use as bargaining chips to help obtain your desired assets. By having a clear plan of attack in mind, we can craft a reasonable offer that allows you to keep the assets that are most important to you.
If your spouse is unwilling to negotiate or compromise, then we will do whatever is necessary to fight for your right to your fair share. By showing willingness to negotiate, you are painting yourself as a reasonable individual which may earn you favor with the courts, if an agreement is unable to be reached otherwise.
Free Consultation with an Experienced Small Business Divorce Attorney
We offer all new clients a FREE consultation. Speak with one of our Bartlett business divorce attorneys about how we can help you keep your business through divorce.
Call Davis & Associates at (312) 548-1528 for a Free Consultation!